Great office

Our office is located in the Werkspoorkathedraal in Utrecht

Play hard

We organise a lot of social activities, including a yearly ski trip together with our sister companies Dataworkz, Groundworkz, Smartworkz and Codebeez.

Diverse team

Many nationalities, a wide range of expertise and interesting personalities. We are united in our diversity.

Conference visits

Kubecon, GSAS, Xconf and of course our own Blipz conference!

What we are looking for

We are looking for cloud consultants who want to make a difference. Instead of just staffing projects, we closely look to your skills, experience and ambition, and try to match that with a challenging assignment. The projects vary in length between 3 to 18 months. We always help customers with the end in mind: after the project, the client needs to be able to stand on his own feet.

Good to know

We expect you to be a consultant: you shape your own assignment, you are entrepreneurial and you're not afraid of new environments. You have been in the Netherlands for more than a year already, so you are familiar with the Dutch culture and way of working.


We offer you a nice salary with a yearly performance bonus, a mobility budget or a lease car and the possibility of a lease bike, a laptop of your own choice and a generous training budget. But next to that we offer you an environment in which you can learn, both as a professional and as a person. And last but not least, we offer you the chance to shape the culture of a young and growing consultancy.

Cloud Engineer

You are passionate about building scalable and reliable cloud platforms for developers. In your work, you constantly balance pragmatism and quality. You're not a ticket ticker but a builder and a teamplayer. You are able to translate business requirements into practical architecture. You are able to communicate the advantages of the cloud to both business and techies.

Next to that, you're a polyglot developer/scripter and would almost call yourself a programmer. But writing business code is less interesting to you, you like to bridge the gap between code and infrastructure. You are a problem solver. There is no type of infrastructure that you haven't automated, no application that you haven't containerized. You are allergic to the word DevOps: another inflated buzzword. It's all about collaboration, communication and automation. No need for buzzwords.

Cloud Developer

You are a seasoned engineer with a passion for programming. You love to gather requirements from the business and translate them into actionable backlog items. You are able to architect and write software that is born for the cloud. You are the go-to person when it comes to cloud. There is no cloud service that you don't know off. You're a polyglot Programmer (Java, Scala, Javacript/Typescript, Go, Python), and constantly updating yourself with the latest and greatest languages. We expect you to be a seasoned VIM user (just kidding, Emacs or VS Code is also fine). And last but not least, you are allergic to the words DevOps and Agile. You just get shit done: you build it you run it.

You have developed web applications at scale using containers or serverless technologies on public cloud providers. You know what event sourcing and eventual consistency is. You are able to split up complex monoliths into separate microservices (and no, a microservices is NOT just a containerized application...). You focus on the full stack, not only on features. If there is a way to optimize the software delivery pipeline, you're the first to jump on it.

Apply now!